case discussions in 2021
Kaparaboina Sabitha:
Gd evng all a pt. Of urinary incontinence female 55yrs, I gave chandraprabha Vati and charak neo tablets .for how much time it vl take
And can we give kashaya vasti to her .with what drugs can we give.please specify
Dr.pradp Noori:
Give a matra vasti it would be helpful
Kashaiah Vasam:
Give Agnithundi vati 2bid
Better result.
I seened
.s.s Sir:
Give Taleshwer Ras 1-1 Tid
Dr S Mahesh Kumar:
Vatsyamayantaka ghritam 5 ml bd before food,
Dhanvantari taila pichu below navel region daily at bed time
Kaegels exercises will help.
Purnendu Mehta:
Gm all of you
Im having # in my 9th rib lt side .
I am not abel to take any pain killer
Plz any one can guid me 🙏
Kashaiah Vasam:
Cap.Fusion 2 tid
Ganda tail 10 drops with hot milk twice daily
Rasnadi guggulu 2 tid
Saraswathi Sharma. K:
Can you give more details? Reason for#- how did you sustain the injury? How bad is the fracture? What are the difficulties you are experiencing now. Is it only pain or difficulty in breathing too? What's the reason you are unable to take pain killer- any allergies or any other problems? The more details you give about your condition the better treatment advice you get
Also upload your x-ray
Purnendu Mehta:
Yes sir
While driving activa i fall down
Sir having hair line # in 9th rib
I am having problem while banding in front while coughing . And while getting up from bead .
Not allergic to any pain killer but does not suit me .
Will up load the x ray
Saraswathi Sharma. K:
Are you wearing any braces for fracture? By the way I am a Lady doctor
Dr Kaveti Rajyalakshmi:
Take Hadjod 1bd
Purnendu Mehta:
Yes mam
Murivenna balaswagandha Pichu
Lakshadhi guggulu
Gandha tailam in milk
Calskel nutra 1 afternoon time..
If manjistadhi lepa available...Very effective..
Dr.Rajshri Soni:
Laxadi guggulu works very fast to heal any kind of fractures
.s.s Sir:
Chuna + Gud + Imli ka pani
Little warm
Bharjit godhum + Arjun roust in ghee, Add gud .
Make Halwa and take it once a day for four weeks.
Dr.Rajshri Soni:
Hadjod of Himalaya
Dr.pradp Noori:
Here you need to treat 3 keeping in mind
1. Astisandhan where you need little help of astiposhaka
2. Vata shamaka due to abhghata
3. Vatanulomana for correcting all other vata which can create kasa swasa and constipation which increases your pain .
Immobilization on 9 th rib is only a show.
Keeping all this in mind my
Costly treatment is
Sringibhasma +abrakabhasma +
+ arjuna + haritaki in ratio of 1:2:5:5 2.5 gms twice with milk and swadistavirachan choorna 1/2 spoon bed time
Cheap treatment is
Triodasanga guggulu +mahavatavidwasaras 1 tid
Swadistavirachan ch bed time
Both works
Jayakrishna Kulamarva:
murivenna and kethakeemooladi local pichu
apply a mixture of marma gulika and egg white over the affected part as lepa
asthisandh cap of Kashmir Ayurvedic 2 cap twice alongwith maharasnadi kashayam
take til and gud together for acceleration of healing
Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:
*A case From Dr.Dilkhush Tamboli's DK files*
महिला रुग्ण ......वय 67
सन्यास अवस्था मे ही पहली मुलाकात
Past Histroy में
1.पहले रुग्णा को
ज्वर,कफज कास के लक्षण उत्पन हुए
हॉस्पिटल में admit किया xray चेस्ट किया तो उन्होंने उससे Pneumonia का Dignosis किया 15 दिन के लिए रुग्ण को ICU में admit किया चेस्ट clear हो गयी लेकिन mild fever बचा रहा डॉक्टर ने डिस्चार्ज किया कुछ antibiotics और antipyretic देकर घर भेजा लेकिन कास उपशम से भी ज्वर लक्षण बचा रहा और साथ मे दौर्बल्य भ्रम जैसे लक्षण शुरू हो गए ...
2 अल्प ज्वर और भ्रम 1 महीने तक रहा उसके बाद patient को ज्वर के साथ
उभय हस्त पाद क्रियाहानी (quadriplegia)
ये लक्षण उत्पन्न हुये
रुग्ण को हॉस्पिटल मे भरती करके
ventilator पे लेकरं सब emergency treatment की गयी 15 दिनतक रुग्ण हॉस्पिटलमे था ventilator win हुआ लेकीन शारीरिक लक्षणो मे कोई सुधार नही हुआ इसलीये रुग्ण को हॉस्पिटल से discharge किया गया
डिस्चार्ज के समय के लक्षण
इसके बाद रुग्ण को एलोपैथी दवा के साथ
आयुर्वेद की दवाई शुरू की गई
वो presription आगे बताता हूँ
*ये priscription मेरा नही है*
1.बृहत्वातचिन्तामनी रस
2 श्वासकास चिंतामणि रस
3. महासुदर्शन
तुलसी बीज
4.कपोत विष्ठा
(This is not my prescription)
हुम् रुग्ण को मिलने से पहले ये दवा 15 दिन तक शुरू थी लेकिन इसका कुछ भी परिणाम नही मिला था
हमने जब रुग्ण को देखा तब जो लक्षण देखे वो आगे बताता हूं
-सन्यास के साथ
-ज्वर (mild fever)
-स्त्यांन कफ( tracheostomy tube से निकल रहा था)
-शुष्क मल प्रवर्तन (हर 2 दिन के बाद मल प्रवर्तन)
ये लक्षण थे
1st day...
1.पंचभद्र कषाय सुबह........ शाम
2.एरंड तेल 2 tsp रात को
(Through RT)
2nd day
सात वेग आ गये
ज्वर लक्षण था
1.पंचभद्र कषाय सुबह ....शाम
2.एरंड तेल 2 tsp रातको
*शाम 6 बजे के बाद ज्वर लक्षण कम हुआ जो आजतक कभी आया नही*
*आँखोमे थोडा 2 मिनट के लिये awakning दिखा*
3rd day...
6 मल के वेग आये
1.पंचभद्र कशाय.. सुबह शाम
2 एरंड तेल रातको
आँखे खुलने का समय बढ गया
4th day
6 मल वेग
1.एरंडतेल रात को
2.अनंता मंजिष्ठा लेप
(at the site of Hematoma)
3.अनंता मंजिष्ठा शतपुटी अभ्रक ( bid )
*awakened for 5 hrs. In afternoon. No fever*
5th day
Awakened eyes for 7 to 8 hrs
Slight Leg movement started
1. एरंडतेल रातको
2.अनंता मंजिष्ठा लेप
3.अनंता मंजिष्ठा अभ्रक bid
4.अविपतीकर bid
5. सुवर्ण सूतशेखर bid
कफ स्त्यांनता decreased
6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Same treatment given slowly
Patient become conscious
Responded well all movements become normal
After removal of tracheotomy tube patient started speaking
Started walking with help
Now no need of support
Vd. Uday Patil:
कोष्ठस्थ दोषसंचय से बुद्धी आवरण रूप संन्यास अवस्था मे गये रुग्ण को विरेचन रूप दोष निर्हरण से व्याधीमुक्ती 👌👍
Purnendu Mehta:
Respected all my guru and vidhya plz suggest treatment for lypoma one of my patient is suffering since last 12 year
Kashaiah Vasam:
Kanchanara guggulu
Varunadi kashayam
Harithaki churna 1tsp warm water internal 5am
Dr Manik Dixit (B7-708) Authentic Ayurveda:
These look like neurofibroma.
Dr Rashmi Patil:
Yes sir mine same opinion
Sukashanth Padmashali:
Vrudhivadaka vati
Vidya Viddhu:
Hi gud evng is myself..age..29yrs..
Mild chest went fr ecg...
geetha madhuri:
Can u pls guide me in a case of palmar and plantar psoriasis in 8 yrs old kid since 3yrs
Is it a good idea to go for vamana in 8yrs old boy
Internally kaishora guggulu Arogyavardhini
External... Jatyadhi ghrita ointment application
Dr,Dilkhush (DK) Tamboli:
सर आज का पंचांगम नही आया
Dr.nageswr Gokul:
1.Brihat danta paala taila ext.application. Twice
2.Arogyavardhani.2 tab BD
3.Guduchi ch + Yestimadhu ch 1/4 th Akshaya BD .
4.Amrutha Guggulu 2 Tab Tid.
Avoid kapha prakopakara aahaaram vihaara.
Dr.pradp Noori:
Q. Yes or know or no
Amavata condition : Sandhivata with soft swelling
Kottamchikadi choorna ( main sigru Sarshapa sunthi chincha) apply with rice water or tamarind leaf water .till the swelling reduces
After that
Kottamchikadi tailam
It produces heat .
Internally Simhanadaguggul or yogaraj guggulu with punarnava mandoor
With any pain reducing kashaya like Maharasnadi kwatha with guggulu
Good ayurvedic morning to all
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