Nov 13, 2012

Common Problems of Hair Loss in Women

Although there are numerous causes of hair loss in women yet the below 5 are the most common of all. Menstrual irregularities, naturally higher testosterone levels, pre and post menopause, birth control pills, pregnancy, stress, illness, fever etc can trigger one or other kind of hair loss in women. The root cause of the hair loss problem is diagnosed by the blood test.
5 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women – Hair Loss Problem in Women

Harmone Problems 
Harmonal problems is one of the major causes of hair loss in women. One major gland affecting the hair loss in women is the thyroid gland. Whether it is over reactive or under reactive it will cause the problem of hair loss in women. Also when estrogen gets out of balance then the problem of hair loss in women may occur. You problem will be solved by balancing the harmones.

During pregnancy due to high level of many harmones there is less hair loss. But about three months after the delivery many women face the hair loss problem. When the harmones come to normal level the problem of hair loss is rectified.

Telogen effluvium 
Telogen effluvium or the diffuse hair shedding is the second most common cause of hair loss in women. In this thinning of the hair occurs. About 95% of all hair-loss problems are caused by the androgenetic alopecia and telogen effluvium. Telogen effluvium is of three types

    • Sudden
    • Delayed and
    • Chronic

In sudden telogen effluvium hair loss is rapid and abrupt that is caused by high fever and other bodily stress.
Delayed telogen effluvium appears after certain months. So when you have a long period of stress then you may suffer from a delayed telogen effluvium.
In chronic telogen effluvium hair loss, the loss of hair occurs for months and years and may lead to total baldness.

Ayurveda Home Remedies for Hair Loss and Baldness

Alopecia areata is the third most common hair loss condition that affects the women. It is an immune disease in which the degree of hair loss severity varies from smaller to higher. During this small patches of areas of hair loss appears that expands if untreated and takes the form of a chronic hair loss problem.
Illness or Surgery
Any kind of illness or surgery is also one of the common causes of hair loss in women. Because of illness many hair follicles enter into their latent phase of life cycle thus leading to their loss. Proper medicine must be taken to cure this problem. You may also require to eat the deficient nutrients.
Androgenetic Alopecia or Genes Or Hereditary Hair Loss
Hereditary hair loss is one of 5 causes of hair loss in women and can occur at any time after puberty. You can get these genes either from your father or mother. These genes are expressed by the harmones androgens so the hair loss in women caused by this is called "Androgenetic Alopecia". This type of hair loss in women is also called pattern baldness. It is the same term that is used to represent the baldness in men. 

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