It is a chronic inflammation of gut. first comming symptoms are diarrhea or constipation, gas and bloating, indigestion, heart burn, food allergies etc can cause inflammation of the gut. if not treated for an extended period of time, this can lead to hemorrhoids.
Two simple things i can suggest are
1.By using garlic as a suppository to de-inflame the rectal tissues and provide an antiseptic environment to aid healing of the tissues. first of all you take a clove of garlic and peel off the skin. Cut the ends to a smooth edge. Coat the garlic clove with olive oil and insert it into the rectum as a suppository before going to bed. continue the same thing for seven days.
when you notice relief with this process alone,immediately we have to treat the root cause to prevent one has to take care of stress i suggest meditation.Take Amlaki, it is a very potent Ayurvedic remedy for preventing infection and healing of ulcerated intestinal mucosa. Amlaki is a mild laxative which helps to relieve constipation. Neem is also a best remedy in case of chronic condition.
i recommend taking light food is better way to heal .I sincerely advice avoid spicy foods ,and excessive eating through out the day.
Siddha medicine called Karunai lehyam and ‘Naga parpam’ are remedys for hemorrhoids. A pinch of ‘naga parpam’ mixed in a marble sized ‘karunai lehyam’ and taken in the mornings and nights before food is found to be very effective in treating piles.
one has to notice karunai lehyam is made from yam, the shape of yam resembles hemorrhoids.
Two simple things i can suggest are
1.By using garlic as a suppository to de-inflame the rectal tissues and provide an antiseptic environment to aid healing of the tissues. first of all you take a clove of garlic and peel off the skin. Cut the ends to a smooth edge. Coat the garlic clove with olive oil and insert it into the rectum as a suppository before going to bed. continue the same thing for seven days.
when you notice relief with this process alone,immediately we have to treat the root cause to prevent one has to take care of stress i suggest meditation.Take Amlaki, it is a very potent Ayurvedic remedy for preventing infection and healing of ulcerated intestinal mucosa. Amlaki is a mild laxative which helps to relieve constipation. Neem is also a best remedy in case of chronic condition.
i recommend taking light food is better way to heal .I sincerely advice avoid spicy foods ,and excessive eating through out the day.
Siddha medicine called Karunai lehyam and ‘Naga parpam’ are remedys for hemorrhoids. A pinch of ‘naga parpam’ mixed in a marble sized ‘karunai lehyam’ and taken in the mornings and nights before food is found to be very effective in treating piles.
one has to notice karunai lehyam is made from yam, the shape of yam resembles hemorrhoids.
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